Rhein Route

The Rhine Route follows the Alpine river from mountain source to the large Rhine port at Basel. A vastly varied trip through diverse landscapes hewn by the mighty river over the ages.

The Rhine Route crosses Eastern Switzerland in a huge arc, accompanying the mighty Alpine river from its mountain source to the major Rhine port of Basel.

A true mountain pass excursion over Oberalp, the source of the Rhine, through Romansh-speaking Surselva. Impressive views into the wild Ruinaulta Gorge; Chur, the Rhaetian capital; with the Traubenkocher (warm wind) through the Bündner Herrschaft and on the Rhine dam to the wide Bodensee. Orchards, castles and cheerful tourist chatter along the shores of the green and silver shimmering “Swabian Sea“.

Peaceful, dense woodland to the thundering Rhine Falls at Schaffhausen. Mighty river tamed by 11 power stations. Along the route: romantic riverside paths, asparagus fields, timber-framed houses, pylons, salt towers, motorways, Swiss-German bridge towns, Roman ruins, agglomeration bustle and at last Basel's sweet speciality, Läckerli biscuits and freight ships in the three-country corner around Basel.

If you want to keep biking far beyond the Swiss borders, the Rhine Route is only the beginning. Included in EuroVelo 15, Rheinradweg and the popular EuroVelo 6 from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, the tour continues in Basel and passes some of Europe’s most beautiful spots.

435 km
Asphalted: 372 km
Natural surface: 63 km

3’500 m

4’700 m
